With regards to the COVID-19 pandemic, Calgary Northside Soccer will follow the guidelines set out by the governing bodies of soccer.
Good afternoon Club Members,
In these evolving and ever-changing times, CMSA is continuing to prepare a 2020 Outdoor Season based on a variety of scenarios and is planning to deliver an outdoor league in the coming months. Projected timelines and revised team registration schedules will be communicated with club administration and technical directors.
Following the recommendations from Alberta Health Services and keeping the health and safety of staff in mind, CMSA is practicing social distancing by limiting face-to-face interaction. At this time staff are working remotely and are available through email or phone. The office will remain closed to the public until further notice.
To keep our membership up to date, CMSA has created a COVID-19 page on our website: calgaryminorsoccer.com.
CMSA encourages everyone to abide by the recommendations outlined by Alberta Health Services. Our thoughts are with everyone affected by COVID-19 and the repercussions of the virus, as a soccer community we will band together and overcome these trying times.
Thank you, CMSA