With regards to the COVID-19 pandemic, Calgary Northside Soccer will follow the guidelines set out by the governing bodies of soccer.
Good afternoon parents and players,
Please know that my team and I think about our soccer community every day and hope you are all healthy during this unprecedented time.
We’ve fielded many questions over the state of the upcoming soccer season. I want to assure you that CMSA is in conversations every day with officials - the City, health experts, soccer governing bodies – as well as our clubs, to ensure we make decisions that are – above all else – safe for all. The COVID-19 situation is evolving daily and it is hard to make a go-forward plan amid constant change. We want nothing more than to have a firm plan in place, but at this time this is not possible, given the fluidity of the pandemic and its impact on Calgary and surrounding area.
What we know for sure is:
- CMSA follows guidance provided by City of Calgary, Alberta Health Services, Alberta Soccer and Canada Soccer;
- The outdoor season will look different;
- CMSA staff are ready to action an adapted season the minute we get the all-clear to do so;
- All decisions are made with players’ needs as the priority;
- Exercise is important for youth (and all people) to maintain physical and mental well-being, especially at a time of global change and stress, and we are aware of this.
We have a number of contingency plans prepared, but we will not be able to land on a go-forward plan until we have clearance from regulatory bodies to do so. Our contingency planning includes possibilities of a:
- Delayed outdoor season start date with league play that could include condensed league play and/or extending the length of the season;
- Season focused on tournaments, jamborees and festivals as opposed to league play;
- Combination of the above.
Several Member Clubs have developed “train at home” programs to keep players active. There are a number of other resources available for players, coaches and referees to stay engaged in soccer, including:
CMSA is deeply committed to ensuring players have a chance to play, coaches have an opportunity to coach and parents and loved ones have an opportunity to cheer. Sport is essential to Calgary and everyone is eager to be outside and moving. We know that the continuation of the soccer season after restrictions are eased, will be essential to establishing a sense of normalcy and excitement in our lives once again.
Please continue to be in touch with your clubs as they will need your children registered and your volunteer support as soon as we are ready to go. As our plans evolve, CMSA will provide updates via the COVID-19 section of our website: calgaryminorsoccer.com.
Know that all of us at CMSA are thinking of our soccer families. Stay healthy and safe.
Thank you, CMSA