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CMSA : Provincials Coaching Requirement Changes

Coaching Requirements

NCCP Courses offered in Calgary are now posted on the CMSA website.

*Please note - All team bench personnel (including Team Managers) require a valid CPIC clearance.

Alberta Soccer will enter all coach names into the new online NCCP tables, which are submitted electronically. This will help the office track qualifications easily and will enable new coaches to obtain their NCCP Coaching numbers faster.

Retreat Line - U10/U11/U12 Rule

Retreat line is new for the 2017 outdoor season for the U10, U11 and U12 age groups.
Retreat Line Outdoor 2017

General Coaches Information

Coaches/Team Manager Handbook is available at our Team Officials Meeting. If you missed it, please contact us

Player Safety

Have your facility / field location with you at all times in case of an emergency. 911 responders need exact addresses. Have a printed copy of locations with you at all times, and a parent volunteer ready to greet emergency people and direct them to the field (During indoor be at the front doors of the facility to bring them inside to the field location). Carry medical information and emergency contact information with you to all games, practices, and events.

Referee Feedback

To provide feedback, fill out the Referee Evaluation form found online through the CMSA website. The referee evaluation form is posted under the coaches and managers section on CMSA's website. Ensure that a referee evaluation form is completed for all incidents. This is what the referee affairs committee uses to identify issues and trends that are happening in the game. Please be fair in your comments and assessments of referees as we need to keep them participating.

Police Information Check (PIC)

All Team Officials including Managers, Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches are required to pass a Police Information Check (PIC). Team Officials in the Northside Soccer program need to obtain this clearance every three years.

All Team Officials must apply for the required PIC through Northside Soccer or the Calgary Minor Soccer Association. PICs from other organizations do not fulfill Northside requirements.

Team Officials needing a PIC, will be contacted with particulars as to how to apply.

Respect In Soccer

CMSA requires at least two team officials per team to have completed the Respect in Soccer. Respect in Soccer recertification will be required every 4 years.

Coaches' Code

  • Be reasonable in your demands on the player's time, energy and enthusiasm.
  • Teach your players that the rules of the game are mutual agreements, which no one should evade or break.
  • Share playing time fairly, try as much as is possible to position players where they want to be. All the team members need and deserve fair time.
  • Remember that children play for fun and enjoyment, and that winning is only part of the game. Never ridicule or yell at the children for making mistakes or losing a competition.
  • Never engage in any verbal or physical abuse of your team members and support all efforts to remove such abuse from children's sporting activities.
  • Ensure that equipment and facilities are safe and appropriate to the age and ability of the players.
  • Develop team respect for the ability of opponents as well as for the judgment of officials and opposing coaches.
  • Follow the advice of a physician when determining when an injured player is ready to play again.
  • Remember that children need a coach they can respect. Be generous with your praise when it is deserved, and set a good example. Refrain from the consumption of tobacco and alcohol products in the presence of your players.
  • Keep lines of communication open with your players and their parents. Let them know that you are always available should they have any concerns regarding the way the season is going.
  • Remember that you are a coach for Northside Soccer/CMSA first and your own team second. Co-operate with other coaches and officials for the benefit of all the children in the league.
  • Uphold the constitution, bylaws and policies of Northside Soccer/CMSA.
  • Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed on sound coaching principles and the principles of growth and development of children.
  • Request the permission of other coaches first, before calling-up a player.

Calgary Northside / CMSA Coaching Code of Ethics

Integrity - The coach must act with integrity in performing all duties owed to athletes, the sport, and other members of the coaching profession and public.

Competence - The coach must strive to be well prepared and current so that all duties in the respective discipline are fulfilled with competence.

Athletes' Interest - The coach must act in the best interest of the athletes' development as a whole person.

Personal Conduct - The Coach must maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and support the principles of fair play.

Respect for the Rules - The coach must respect both the letter and the spirit of the rules that define and govern the sport.

Respect for the Officials - The coach must accept the role of the officials in providing judgment to ensure that competitions are conducted fairly and according to the established rules.

Coaching Links

The Coaching Manual youth soccer coaching!

Football for Tous (Everyone)