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Player Eligibility

Calgary Minor Soccer Association (CMSA) is the governing body of soccer; where Calgary Northside Soccer (CNS) is a member of CMSA.

A CMSA game sheet is required for every game and only players listed on the game sheet can play.  If a player is ineligible, CMSA restricts the player until all requirements are met and the player will not appear on the game sheet.

CMSA reviews and approves every waiver and proof of age.  Please note that it can take CMSA a few days to review the documentation so players should complete eligibility requirements ASAP.


Proof of Age (POA)

Proof of age must be provided by the following documents only: birth certificates, baptism certificates, passports, Alberta Health Care card, landed immigrant papers, driver’s license or affidavits for players not previously registered. Affidavits must be signed by the parent/guardian of the player and witnessed by a Commissioner of Oaths.

The burden of proof of age rests with the player, parent/guardian, team officials and Member Club...".

Players can add their proof of age when completing the Player Waiver.

Player Waiver Form

All players’ parent/legal guardian must complete and submit the CMSA liability insurance waiver.  Waivers are valid annually for the indoor season and the following outdoor season.

CMSA Photo ID Cards

All CMSA players on U11 – U19 CMSA teams require a valid CMSA Photo ID Card. This card must be present at the start of each game so that the referee can identify the players/coaches on the field.  To be able to play, you must have a CMSA Photo Id card and be an eligible player.  The referees collect the Photo ID cards before each CMSA game.  Any player without the card cannot play.

You will need to create a Demosphere account.  Ensure you have a CMSA Photo Id card prior to the player's first game.